Petr Sebela
Web developer | Programmer
I'm living in Brno in Czech Republic. I build complex web apps and ecommerce websites using primary PHP Framework Nette .
Check my tech stack
I also started learning Composable ecommerce using MedusaJS as composable commerce platform written in Javascript (Express).
And React (Next.js) Javascript Framework for creating headless frontends.

Multi-Tenant SaaS Startup to manage Affiliate Marketing. Application is suitable for Affiliates, Advertisers and Networks.

GearForce is my own e-commerce project I started in 2024. It is e-shop specialized in gym training equipment. I am using latest technologies such as MedusaJS and Composable e-commerce architecture.

Improving web application for music producers. App will help you promote your own music through socials channels.

🛒 Headless composable ecommerce MedusaJS
Learning making ecommerce website using best technologies and concepts such as composable commerce architecture, MACH architecture, headless...
Using commerce platform MedusaJs and React (Next.js) Frontend.


More soft skills @VUT FIT
I got the opportunity to study at the VUT Faculty of Information Technology. Although I did not use the opportunity to its full potential, I attended two self-development courses - Leadership and Time Management/Manažerské vedení lidí a řízení času led by PhDr. Mgr. Dušan Kalášek and Management Minimum/Podnikatelské minimum under guidance of doc. Ing. Radovan Novotný Ph.D.
Leadership and Time Management: Psychology of personality, people typology, team leading, team effectivity, leadership styles, motivation, time management, planning and reporting, task delegation, mindset and mental health, meetings management, decision-making...
Management Minimum: Canvas, SWOT, SMART, PESTEL, 4P, 4C..., rights and obligations of the Czech legislation and tax system, company economy (rozvaha, výkaz pěněžních toků, výkaz zisku a ztrát, výroční zpráva..), legal forms of business, stock market, bonds...
Time to responsibility @Paldock - Team Leader
I got opportunity to take on the leadership and management of the project, including leading the other developers.
Management/Soft skills: Responsibility and care of other frontend and backend developers (usually 5-6 people), achieving project targets and delivery
Frontend: Typescript, React, Tanstack Query, Tanstack Router, Recoil/Jotai, Redux, AntD, RHF, Tailwind
Backend: PHP, Laravel (Sanctum, Tenancy, Typescript transformer, Sail, Horizon, Eloquent..), Docker, MySQL, REST
DevOps: Ploi, Hetzner, GitLab Pipelines, Ubuntu, NGINX
🔗 Visit PaldockOwn Business @GearForce - Founder
I decided to make my long time dream true and start my own eshop as my side/hobby business. In October 2024 I launched first marketing campaigns and started sending to customers first orders with products from my suppliers from Denmark, Pakistan and Czech Republic.
I would like to gradually improve, develop and grow my e-shop with vision of bigger warehouse with office and shop in future.
At the same time, I am learning advanced technologies of Composable Commerce architecture. I wrote article about Composable Commerce if you want to learn more. I use lot of 3rd party softwares to power e-shop as Foxdeli, Strapi, Fakturoid, Clarity, Umami, Slack... which are connected with MedusaJS core by API and Webhooks.
Management/Soft skills: Project planning, communication and negotiation with suppliers, time management, UX/UI, Marketing, ecommerce legislative, finance management, logistics management, graphic design...
Frontend: Typescript, React, Next.js, Tanstack Query, Jotai, Redux, Tailwind, Headless UI, GSAP, Swiper
Backend: Typescript, Node.js, Express, MedusaJS, TypeORM, Meilisearch
DevOps: Bunny (CDN, DNS, Storage and Optimizer), Ubuntu, Ploi, Hetzner, Prometheus, Zero Downtime Deployment, GitHub Pipelines, PM2, NGINX, Sendgrid, DigitalOcean Spaces (previously CDN + Storage)
🔗 Visit GearForce.czNew Experience @Paldock - Full-stack React/PHP Developer
I was looking for new experience and I wanted to complement my knowledge and skills with frontend.
Frontend: Typescript, React, Tanstack Query, Tanstack Router, Recoil/Jotai, Redux, AntD, RHF, Tailwind
Backend: PHP, Laravel (Sanctum, Tenancy, Typescript transformer, Sail, Horizon, Eloquent..), Docker, MySQL, REST
DevOps: Ploi, Hetzner, GitLab Pipelines, Ubuntu, NGINX
🔗 Visit Paldock
Joined Mensa
I joined community of organization Mensa Czech Republic.

Long therm collaboration @PumpYourSound - Frontend/Backend PHP Developer
Worldwide application for music producers and production studios. Manage spotify and soundcloud accounts. Long therm PSA-based collaboration. Keeping the application running and minor upgrades and updates. Migration of payment gateway from Paddle to Fastspring. Fixing SoundCloud autoscheduler and implementing OAuth 2.1 processing on the API.
Management/Soft skills: Task management, communication with client, emergency situations solving
Frontend: Nette-based - Latte templates, Bootstrap, JavaScript, CSS...
Backend: PHP, Nette, Redis, Doctrine ORM
DevOps: Ubuntu VPS, DigitalOcean Droplets, AWS SES
Client review:

Roman Trachta, CEO W.A. Production
"Spolupráce s Petrem je naprosto bezproblémová. Můžu se spolehnout na dodržení termínů a kvalitně odvedenou práci. Dokonce i mimo běžnou pracovní dobu je Petr ochotný vyřešit případné problémy. Společně s jeho komunikací a férovým přístupem to vše dává výbornou kombinaci vlastností."

Started @SUPERKODERS - Backend PHP Developer
Joined team of SUPERKODERS. My job is primary development of internal systems for clients (logistics management, management of competitions) and Ecommerce websites.
Management/Soft skills: Communication with clients
Backend: PHP, Nette, MySQL, Nextras ORM, REST, Elasticsearch, Redis 🔗 Visit SUPERKODERS
Greenfield rebuild of e-shop @MopedAuto - Frontend/Backend PHP Developer
I was given the task to refresh an outdated e-shop. I choose to build the e-shop on greenfield and finished to get it into a production version producing orders. But the e-shop was still missing lot of features and I didn't have enough time to cover the capacity at that moment. Development was taken over by an agency, and they switched to Shoptet.
Management/Soft skills: Task management, communication with client
Frontend: Nette-based - Latte templates, Bootstrap, JavaScript, CSS...
Backend: PHP, Nette, MySQL, Nextras ORM

Internal application assistance @Currys - Frontend/Backend PHP Developer
I upgraded internal people and team management application from php 5.4 to the latest version 8.1. We were supposed to follow up with a PSA on a monthly basis, but Currys want out of business in Czech Republic.
Management/Soft skills: Task management, communication with client
Frontend: Nette-based - Latte templates, Bootstrap, JavaScript, CSS...
Backend: PHP, Nette, Redis, Doctrine ORM
🔗 Visit Currys
Startup participation @SousedOnline - Frontend/Backend PHP Developer
I participated in launch of the startup Soused.Online which was new courier delivery service in Brno. Together with my friend I was in charge of developing an ERP system to manage the company (fleet, employees, orders, routes, operators, partners...) and developing Android Application for couriers. I presented IT and logistics part of business to the head of logistics in Notino to establish cooperation. I also communicated with other partners in questions of IT. The startup was not able to establish collaborations with the bigger partners and the smaller partners were not able to sustain business due to the post covid ere, because of this, after some time, Soused.Online has ended.
Management/Soft skills: Communication with client and partners, negotiation, project management, presentation
Frontend: Nette-based - Latte templates, Bootstrap, JavaScript, CSS...
Backend: PHP, Nette, MySQL, Nextras ORM, REST, Elasticsearch, Redis
🔗 Visit PumpYourSound
First client
I started making projects for my own clients. You can check actual and past projects in my projects archive.
Visit all projects
First job @BePositive - Backend PHP Developer
I got my first developer job and started working in company BePositive. I started working with OOP, frameworks, ORMs etc... I was working on web applications, CRMs and Ecommerce websites for clients on request.
Backend: PHP, Nette, MySQL, Nextras ORM, REST 🔗 Visit BePositive
Let the game begin
I finished high school EDUCAnet Brno and graduated from IT focused on Programming.

First sign of my future IT journey
I won district schools competition in Information technologies.

Development (I also worked with)



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